Bad things happen in the Animal Crossing series of games.

Not everything in the animal crossing game is smooth sailing. The sun is shining now. Maybe it will rain the next moment.

As players and fans love Animal Crossing, fans will now also put forward their ideas for the Animal Crossing game. Now someone has made a phantom map among us in Animal Crossing. This is an unknown event similar to a lottery on each map.

In every map in the game among us, such as the newly released airship, the most popular so far is Skelder. The ACBellsBuy store is the same for all characters, and players can go to Buy ACNH Bells fairly. We have seen that Skeld has been remade in Minecraft, and Simon, the miniature model builder of ClayClaim, has even developed a version made of clay and cardboard.

When entering the city, the first thing you will see is some of us standing next to Lil bean's character. They even wore hats to compliment the hats in the game. On the ground, there is usually a slogan on the opposite side of the bean that says it is an imposter. And many types of things you have to do are stand up and pose.

The beans that passed by with the imposter may be the Skeld map. The map reworked the floor pattern and clever landscape design to building the long and weird corridors you know and love. Most players like to buy ACNH Bells. Just because they are beautiful. There is even a very clever idea: replace the vents and warp tubes with a free Super Mario update, so they are effective.

Unfortunately, even if the creator posted the dream address on Reddit, the area was deleted due to inappropriate content so that someone could report it. This is why we cannot have beautiful things! There are several clever and artistic ideas on the map, as well as a closed ring box as a big red button.

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