In the event that Diablo 4 gets that right and offers

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Inside the book Blood, Sweat, and Pixels in the book Blood, Sweat, and Pixels, the chapter on the tragedy of Diablo 3's launch relates the story of how one Blizzard producer played through the game hundreds of hours until they found a single piece legendary loot Diablo IV Gold. When that bright orange light finally emerged from an adversary, he tried to grab the loot , only to find that his character couldn't even use it. The loot system was fundamentally flawed that the excitement in grinding away for hours, and then the satisfaction of finding something that was truly special was not possible.

This was finally fixed to where you were able to only get certain loot levels which fit into your particular character, and the rate at that early-game legendary items appeared increased. This meant that even though the legendary items that you could get weren't breaking the game, you still felt you'd occasionally experience a slight rush of dopamine that kept you in the loop.

In the event that Diablo 4 gets that right and offers a similar loot system like Loot2.0 and Loot2.0 in Diablo 3, then we're already worried about just how long we'll be able to spend playing the game. Diablo 3's debacle is the most positive chance that has ever happened to the franchise on an ongoing basis. If you mix this alongside that with the Immortal controversy, it's like Blizzard has a pretty straightforward roadmap of potholes to avoid if it's to remain on the right side of it's customers who are the best of its.

The community is extremely vocal about what they don't like and has been doing so throughout the development of Diablo 3, so we're hopeful that Blizzard has taken this feedback from players lucky enough to play large parts of the game before it's released cheap Diablo 4 Gold. We'd like to bet Blizzard isn't happy with the massive leaks of footage which appears to come in the wake of the private test.

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