I'll go over a point

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This is so much that it's going to get its own section WoTLK Gold with talent and glyphs. Marksman. In most situations we use marksman as our first choice for raiding and PvP. Here's my recommendation for marksman raid specs. It may appear slightly different than other recommendations you've seen. But for pre-raiders, I believe this is the way to go.

In this article, I'll go over a point. TSR that you do not need to put a point into that if this spec is just for 25 min rates. It's likely that you'll have other than you here for the buff. You could be at the level of a blood DK boost shaman or another hunter. We've got quite a few abilities here with the distinction between them are not significant. Focused focus enhanced Archangel I'd improve SteadyShot as well as survival skills out of these skills you are able to move points around the way that your actual dps as previously. This will not change.

Take a point out of your survival instincts and place it into focus target because you've got a low hit this is fine. If you've got plenty of hit, so take our points out of it and transform them into a better arcane shots. It's also excellent. The only one I wouldn't put it into is a better steady shot. But that will likely change when we acquire better gear. Rapid killing can be hit or miss. Usually We have the equipment to buy WoTLK Classic Gold give us another rapid fire.