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It's impossible to sim out the details. So I've been doing what I'm kind of doing. I created an Excel sheet for doing weights for stats. I researched some of the items for wrath and how it's budgeted for equipment.

As I mentioned, we have dual specs, we have two specs for fury, one for Dungeons one for , well, rates, I'm not sure. If you enjoyed this video, please let me know. I'll be making WoW Classic SoD Gold another video in the near future. This is basically talking of the raid pre-launch but there aren't any Sims for it.

It's impossible to sim out the details. So I've been doing what I'm kind of doing. I created an Excel sheet for doing weights for stats. I researched some of the items for wrath and how it's budgeted for equipment.

So I'm thinking I'd an interest in a decent equivalency point system based on statistics and then based on the general rules. I'm planning to put something together , so to make a in the end, be looking for the video. It's likely to drop on the next day or the next day after. If you enjoyed it, the music, please share, like or subscribe and be back with you in the next installment. Peace.

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