WoW PvP Battlegrounds Bonus Week: Merry Brawls for Experience Points

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From June 23rd, you will be able to participate in a pleasant battle to earn experience points and coveted badges of honor, because the next reward week of the World of Warcraft PvP battlefield is about to begin, you can use these badges to purchase PvP transmog sets and more. This is also a good opportunity for PvP newbies to start an exciting "player-to-player" adventure. Here you can find all the information about the event.

PvP fans and beginners, take note: In the current expansion World of Warcraft Shadowlands, the popular bonus week for PvP battlefields begins again on Wednesday, June 23, in which you not only receive 50% more honor points, but also with the help of a special quest also get the coveted badges of honor for PvP transmogs and high-quality, upgradeable Shadowlands PvP equipment faster.

This week, open the group browser and select the Player versus Player tab. Then click on Quick Search, Random Battlegrounds and Join Battle to fight for victory with other players in one of the following battlefields:

Alterac Valley
Arathi Basin
Battle for Gilneas
Deep wind gorge
Eye of the storm
Island of Conquest
Broken silver mine
Beach of the Ancients
Katmogu Temple
Twin peaks
Warsong Gulch
Seething coast

Do not forget to take the corresponding quest from the manager Kah-Toll in the custody hall in Oribos before you register, so that you will be rewarded for your efforts. If you find WOW TBC Classic Boosting difficult in the game, you can buy Cheap WoW Classic TBC Power Leveling on z2u site.

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