Revenant demon - Level 98 allows you to become invisible

Revenant demon - Level 98 allows you to become invisible

Revenant hobgoblin: Level 60 stronger version is the goblin's highest hits are melee 13, magic 17, and range 15 40HP. Revenant vampire – Level 68 The drainer. It will appear within 30 seconds and drain 9 HP to OSRS Gold itself. It uses range that can reach 1690HP. Revenant werewolf Level 75 A meleer with a powerful power capable of hitting 18s. Sometimes it can even be able to attack multiple at a time.

Revenant cyclops-level 82 A stunner. It swings a club every 30 secs and stuns anyone who is within 10 seconds. Revenant Hellhound is a level 90 version of the hobgoblin. The maximum hits are melee 20 magical 21 and range 20 140HP.

Revenant demon - Level 98 allows you to become invisible and can attack other players, but also shuts off the auto retaliation feature for 10 seconds. Revenant Ork Level 105 utilizes melee and can be used to attack those inside buildings, max hitting 25,180hp. Revenant dark Beast - Level 120 is the healer. It heals stronger units first using magic. The range can hit between 24 and 200hp.

Revenant knight – Level 126 can use melee and range to hit between 20 and 27. It can also blast and shoot multiple units at a time and is able to produce 250HP. Revenant Dragon - Level 135 can tele block, heal freeze, stun transform into invisible and breathe fire. The maximum hit using magic melee and range is 20, 300hp. Revenant God-Level 500 melee-100 range-100 mage-30, kills anyone in one hit 500HP

You can attack but not move when you're frozen. How many revs? If I say they'll fight, I am referring to the fact that they will make use of their most powerful power on... There will be 25 teams and the next wave of revenants arrive after five minutes of Cheap RS3 Gold fighting. 20 imps will strike your fortress straight away and explode if it has a low amount hp. Five goblins and 15 imps attack the defenders. 10 goblins equipped with 15 imps will attack any object in sight.

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