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If they push a solid gap between Null-sec play and high-sec play -- null-sec in which you have to be on a strong network link (do not enter an elevator or tube while in a vehicle!) And high-sec in which you can do things offline even (auto-pilot supports offline style ) -- then maybe it'll all be ok.Right today, however, the bugs aren't helping and EVE Mobile ISK the galactic layout may not be especially mobile friendly. They might want to cut some jumps and add different jumps to reorganize it for greater cellular play and challenging core play.

Yeah, I'm 100% fine with"traveling through null sec is obviously dangerous". It feels just like high sec should be always safe, low sec is secure for auto pilot but dangerous otherwise, and null sec is dangerous from all aspects. I am still having fun, I feel as if there's a lot of fear mongering for things which may happen with the shift, but I haven't really seen up to now.

Agreed, gate firearms should pop any hostiles. No speed, range, or buffer tanking them. Belts and anoms are still fair games in low though.Agreed. Although maybe it happened enough and Buy EVE Mobile ISK that is why the devs submitted to discord concerning it. Nevertheless, it was not so much that they posted on the login screen.I'm giving them a time but I am playing way less while I wait and see.