Death Knights brought a unique perspective on classes in WoW

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Based on the Lich King as its symbol, the WotLK expansion introduced a lot people to join The World of Warcraft franchise WOTLK Classic Gold. It was not just the first time many got to experience the longstanding MMORPG but it was also a huge fan-favorite of the series with regards to quality.

We've also compiled this list of things WoW Classic players will enjoy in WoW Classic WotLK. As the first hero class The Death Knight truly took on the embodiment of the game's class fantasy. It also was the first class, providing an entirely new experience.

With unholy, frost, and blood magic as their weapons, Death Knights brought a unique perspective on classes in WoW, add the fact that they had modernized spells in Death Grip as well as their original Raise Ally ability, the class was truly special at the time and is generally considered to be the best hero character ever to be released.

The heroes of Azeroth, however, instead of discovering the new world in the Outlands back during TBC the heroes got to see a new part of Azeroth when they explored Northrend.

Ten zones to explore, this was the first time players' experiences in Azeroth went beyond Kalimdor along with the Eastern Kingdoms which gave players a chance to explore forgotten territories, meet new races or factions, and much more.

The Lich King becomes the most iconic WoW character ever created.

The most recognizable face of the franchise that of the Lich King or Arthas, was a key reason the expansion received the attention it did. He quickly became the poster child of the game, and is still a huge element of the game.

A Paladin became a Death Knight that with the power of the Helm of Damnation and Frostmourne would go to any lengths to rule the world buy WOW WOTLK Classic Gold. making him the first real bad character in WoW, and players enjoyed it.

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