Malcolm has been playing RuneScape from

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Melvor Idle strips away the 3D graphics and environments of RuneScape and other similar MMOs and reduces it to a simple idle game that relies on menus which lets players manage their inventory, skills and quests with RS Gold. Combat encounters are fought and winning awards XP and loot, which is then placed into the skills tree or upgrades players choose, while the same activities, such as crafting or woodcutting can bring their own benefits.

Malcolm has been playing RuneScape from the age of a child and has also played several of the most popular idle games like Clicker Heroes, Cookie Clicker and NGU Idle. While he enjoyed them however, he thought the genre had the potential to do something else that was pleasing in a similar manner to Jagex's flagship RPG.

"So, I set out to make my own game, but never dreaming of how the game would ever be released, much less become famous," he tells "I wanted to create something different from the standard idle game mould and something that had a lot of features and gave players option in the way they wanted to progress instead of simply increasing numbers over time.

After playing around with this idea few minutes in a closed room, I started meshing ideas and mechanics from traditional MMOs together with the popular idle game concept, creating something fun to play at leisure, in the car and be incorporated into the player's busy schedule."

He adds: "While the numbers and stats aren't the things that players love about MMOs It is the one that the majority of fans be drawn to once the exploration has been completed. Since it's typically central to the things that long-term players' focus is it's logical to make this an essential element of Melvor's game's concept. In addition, it's very compatible with the common design elements found in the majority of idle games."

He also drew inspiration from other MMOs However, the structure in RuneScape was one he followed particularly closely, building out its world Melvor Idle in a parallel world with the 20 years old RPG. "RuneScape was such a crucial gaming platform because it was a very fundamental game for me," the author explains."

Much like many I got into RuneScape because a lot of my peers at the time were playing it. The fact that it was web-based was a major factor in this with RS Gold For Sale. The low barrier to entry combined with RuneScape's branching depth and complexity are what attracted me back to it for quite a while and is what I wanted to emulate with Melvor Idle."