Blizzard will launch WOW WOTLK Classic on September 26th

Blizzard will launch WOW WOTLK Classic on September 26th

Recently, Blizzard announced that Age of Wrath of the Lich King will be returning to WOW Classic on September 26th. While other subsequent releases of World of Warcraft have expanded on the game mechanics in more interesting and creative ways, few have succeeded in thematically quite like WotLK. For the latest on WOW WOTLK Classic, visit

WotLK is considered by many players to be one of the best expansion packs in WOW's nearly 20-year history. For those who love Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, it feels special to set foot on the shores of Northrend for the first time and explore the continent from a fresh perspective, then finally battle Arthas in the Icecrown Citadel raid.

Ahead of the expansion, Blizzard is introducing a new leveling mechanic called Joyous Journeys. This means that Burning Crusade Classic players can visit an innkeeper in one of their faction's capitals to toggle the 50% XP bonus. Players can use boosts to complete upgrades on existing characters or start crafting new ones.

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The boost will remain available until WotLK Classic is launched. This can help players create death knights directly after the expansion arrives. Blizzard will include Wrath of the Lich King Classic with all WOW subscriptions, and players will be able to put their old guilds back together without having to buy the expansion pack separately. Players can visit to learn more about WOW WOTLK Classic.